Monthly Archives: May 2013

So how excited are you?

I find I am asked this question at least 4 times a week and if speaking with people whom I haven’t seen for a week, the frequency most definitely increases. Officially, this is the first post on our family blog and I feel the pressure of the “profound factor.” In response to the “how excited are you?” question, I realize that we will be provided with no end of material for blog entries. At this moment in time, I believe the question and blog post would more aptly be “So how overwhelmed are you?” Excited? Yes! Curious? For sure! Apprehensive? That too! But when you really think about it, moving from place to place for 11 months will involve some considerable development of my flexibility, patience, resilience, and the all important “Mom needs to chill out.”

In reviewing what I’ve just written, I realize that if I were speaking the above, I would have had to make the quotation hand signal 4 times in a short period – I promise folks, the writing style will improve.

Bottom line, our family is beyond excited for this next year of travelling the world, but in the moment, right now – we truly have no idea what to expect. We have many hopes and plans, but part of the joy of this whole adventure is the excitement leading up to it. I hope that as we travel, people will enjoy learning with us, providing advice in the comments section, and considering what you’re doing to put yourself in whatever context that will compel those around to ask you “So how excited are you?”

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